
Families are welcome to join us for All School Hike!


Mission Statement

Village School Mission Statement

The Village School helps children develop their talents, celebrates their uniqueness, and champions cooperative learning.  

We believe in:

  • the ongoing learning and discovery in children’s play. 
  • nurturing children’s innate connection to nature.
  • providing time for each student to develop their capacities, by learning with, and understanding, their bodies, feelings and minds. 
  • learning from mistakes, trying and trying again.  Skills are acquired through persistence, effort and hard work.
  • modeling kindness; learning takes place when children feel accepted and respected 
  • noticing, respecting, and honoring differences, while celebrating all we have in common.
  • cooperation; we are always stronger together.  
  • building community through multi-age classrooms and interactions between children of all ages.
  • each student developing responsible independence, confident in their ability to work on their own and to thrive in a group. 

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