
Families are welcome to join us for All School Hike!


Preschool Admissions

We welcome visitors to The Village School. Here is the simple process for Preschool admissions:

  1. Parent and child visit. We want you to become acquainted with the school, and to observe a typical Preschool morning. Plan to spend the morning from 8:45 to 11:00. Please call the school to schedule an appointment.
  2. During the morning visit, your child will participate in the classroom, and you can observe the class. Make sure to talk to the teachers; this is the opportunity to ask questions and to tell us about your child.
  3. During your visit, we encourage you to tour the rest of the school with the Director, and observe a class or two briefly, to see how the preschool connects to the whole school. This is a good time to ask the Director any questions about the whole school.
  4. Admission. Preschool is for children ages 3 to 5 and toilet trained.  If the Preschool teachers determine that your child is ready for the Preschool class, you will be given an Application. When the application is returned, the Preschool teachers and the school Director carefully and thoroughly evaluate if the school is a good fit for your family and child. We also want to make sure that we can serve your child well. In addition, we seek to balance each class by age, gender and look for diversity within the student body.

After the application is received and reviewed, and if there is space in the class, your child is accepted and you will be given a Contract. When the Contract is returned to the office with the deposit, your child is officially enrolled in the Preschool class.

Once the Contract is received and your child is enrolled, a packet of forms, including the Parent Handbook, will be sent to you in July, including a medical record form to be filled out by your child’s doctor. By state law, all Preschool and Kindergarten children are not allowed to start school if the Mass. school health record is not on file. If your child has not had a current physical, you may need to make an appointment with his or her doctor before September, in order for the doctor to fill out the form.

If there is no space currently available in the Preschool, your child’s name will be put on the waiting list.

The Village School does not have support services for children with special needs.   It is the parents’ responsibility to request support services from their local school district.

The Village School is a 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in any of its school administered policies or programs.


Interested in Learning More?

Contact us to speak with the director & set up a tour.

The Village School

253 S. Royalston Rd
Royalston, MA 01368



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